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Mentors and tutors

Every path is easier if there is someone who has already traveled it. With this in mind, we are looking for mentors for our students who are willing to answer practical questions about the application of anthroposophic medicine. Experience shows that mentee and mentor both learn from each other. We are also always on the lookout for individuals with a sound knowledge of anthroposophic medicine who enjoy supervising small groups in our various programs. If you can imagine supervising participants as a mentor or study group tutor, we look forward to hearing from you. As an educational institution, we are happy to support you by sharing insights from our teaching experience.


Our aim is to make the integrative medical concepts of anthroposophic medicine accessible to as many patients as possible. In order to enable participation for people from different countries of origin and backgrounds, the course fees are adapted to the income level of the country of residence, the professional qualification and the professional field of participants. In order to be able to finance this, we rely on third-party funding and donations. Donations can be earmarked for a specific purpose or for the general further development of the educational programs offered by the Arlesheim Academy.

Support us

Support of any other kind is also very welcome. For example, we have inherited a collection of minerals that we can now use as illustrative material, or we have benefited from donations in kind for our pharmaceutical courses. In addition to material support, we also welcome suggestions and good ideas for the further development of integrative medical education.